Books at Oak Hill College

Total: 612 unique titles
  Title Total    
A Call to Spiritual Reformation
A Call to Spiritual Reformation
- D.A. Carson
2 Own Wish
Pleasures Of God, The (new Edition)
Pleasures Of God, The (new Edition)
- Piper John
2 Own Wish
Pierced for Our Transgressions
Pierced for Our Transgressions
- Steve Jeffery, Mike Ovey, Andrew Sach
2 Own Wish
Too Busy Not to Pray: Slowing Down to be with God
Too Busy Not to Pray: Slowing Down to be with God
- Bill Hybels
2 Own Wish
The Enemy Within: Straight Talk About the Power and Defeat of Sin
The Enemy Within: Straight Talk About the Power and Defeat of Sin
- Kris Lundgaard
2 Own Wish
Knowing God
Knowing God
- Packer, J. I. Packer
2 Own Wish
God's Big Picture: Tracing the Story-Line of the Bible
God's Big Picture: Tracing the Story-Line of the Bible
- Vaughan Roberts
2 Own Wish
God, Sex and Marriage: Guidance from 1 Corinthians 7
God, Sex and Marriage: Guidance from 1 Corinthians 7
- John Richardson
2 Own Wish
Revelation Unwrapped: Commentary on Revelation
Revelation Unwrapped: Commentary on Revelation
- John Richardson
2 Own Wish
George Whitefield: The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the Eighteenth-Century Revival - Volume I
George Whitefield: The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the Eighteenth-Century Revival - Volume I
- Arnold A. Dallimore
2 Own Wish
Key to The Elements of New Testament Greek
Key to The Elements of New Testament Greek
- J. W. Wenham
1 Own Wish
From Cambridge to the World: 125 Years of Student Witness
From Cambridge to the World: 125 Years of Student Witness
- Oliver R. Barclay, Robert M. Horn
1 Own Wish
Christ's Gospel to the Nations: The Heart and Mind of Evangelicalism Past,Present and Future
Christ's Gospel to the Nations: The Heart and Mind of Evangelicalism Past,Present and Future
- Peter F. Jensen
1 Own Wish
Bible: New International Version with Bible Guide (Bible Niv)
Bible: New International Version with Bible Guide (Bible Niv)
- International Bible Society
1 Own Wish
Every Woman's Battle: Discovering God's Plan for Sexual and Emotional Fulfillment
Every Woman's Battle: Discovering God's Plan for Sexual and Emotional Fulfillment
- Shannon Ethridge
1 Own Wish
Following Jesus
Following Jesus
- N.T. Wright
1 Own Wish
Walking with Gay Friends: A Journey of Informed Compassion
Walking with Gay Friends: A Journey of Informed Compassion
- Alex Tylee
1 Own Wish
The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
- Grant R. Osborne
1 Own Wish
Roots That Refresh
Roots That Refresh
- Alister E. McGrath, McGrath
1 Own Wish
New Testament
New Testament
- (unknown)
1 Own Wish